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How To Add The Encrypt/Decrypt Option to Files and Folders in Winodws ??

Now days, all of us have files on our computer that contain sensitive or private data. Wouldn't it be great if you could encrypt your files easily and quickly by simply right clicking on them?
There is a simple Registry trick available that allow you to add the Encrypt/Decrypt option to the menu that pops up whenever you right click on a file of folder. 
All you need to do is:

STEP 1: Click on Start Menu and open run command and type regedit. (WINDOWS + R)

STEP 2: Browse the Following Registry keys:

STEP 3: In the right pane, create a new DWORD value called EncryptionContextMenu and give it a data value of 1.

STEP 4: Now, whenever you right click on any file of folder you will automatically see the Encrypt option show up in the context menu. Select it and follow instruction on the screen to encrypt the file.

STEP 5: Once the file has been encrypted you will notice that the name of the file appears in green color. Now when you right click on an encrypted file, you will notice that you are shown the decrypt option which allows you to decrypt the file.

As simple as that!

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