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The Hacker Team is working in Google -Under in Project Zero

Google’s new Project Zero team adds some welcome muscle in the fight against cyber crime and could also lead to better privacy for all, making it harder for intelligence agencies to spy. I think are you shocked. But it is true. Google hire a hacker Team for a Project Zero.George Hotz is leader of project zero, and he is expert for Sony's PlayStation 3 and Apple's iPhone.

The 24-year-old also known as Geohot hacked into the PlayStation 3 in order to install alternate operating system software, with the intention of playing pirated games. Hotz was then subsequently sued by Sony, although the matter was settled outside the courtroom. The hacker is also known for unlocking Apple's iPhone. Now, after a brief stint at Facebook several years ago, Hotz has found a home with Google, according to the BBC.

Google's Project Zero aims to reduce the threat that zero-day attacks represent by funding vulnerability research and hiring top security specialists and hackers. The hire of Hotz, therefore, is hardly a surprise — as these types of projects need people that can think like cyber attackers, as well as be talented in their own right, in order to thwart them.

Google's move to set up Project Zero is very welcome. The infrastructure we run our businesses and our lives on is showing its fragile nature as each new, successful attack is disclosed. Unfortunately, we all share significant risks, not least because IT tends towards ‘monoculture,’ with only a few major pieces of hardware and software being used most of the time.

What is Project Zero?

 It is initiative by Google Team, for a Top security Researcher that will research on the security mail ware, trapdoor and others threats are at time. And another the project will be guide by Chris Evans, leading Google Chrome Security Team.

The main purpose of Project Team and Google are finding security loopholes in the software and also work on the zero days attacks and few number of user attacks by it. It is not research on Google products it research for Security purpose on their software’s and application.
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