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How To Increase Speed of your Computer ??

The processing power of computers has increased tremendously in the last decade. Internet speeds have increased as well, especially with the advent of 3G and 4G broadband connection. However all of us are still always constantly looking for ways to make our computers run faster.
It is obvious that the faster processes and more than RAM you buy, the faster computer will run. However on top of that are some simple tips that can be implemented on your computer to unlock more speed on it..

Disk Cleanup

All Windows systems comes with the Disk cleanup tool uninstalled. It can be accessed via the start menu. The disk cleanup tool search your entire hard drive and tell you which files you can delete safety to free up some on your hard drive. The more space you free up, the faster your computer will end up running. It is recommended that you run disk cleanup tool every 15 days or so n order to keep tweaking your computer speed.

Disk Defragmentation

This is yet another tool that comes pre-installed with windows. Over a period of time, data on your hard drive may get fragmented, which makes your hard drive extra work, hence slowing down your computer. That is why it important data to run hard Disk Defragmenter tool that will defragment tool can be accessed through the START MENU. Microsoft recommends running the Disk Defragmenter tool whenever your hard drive is fragmented more than 10%.

Ready Boost

Read Boost is an option in Windows that allows you to use the memory of a USB flash drive, SD card or any portable flash memory card as cache memory to boost your system performance. As soon as you plug in any pen drive or SD card to your computer, the AutoPlay options should up on the screen there will be an option to speed up my system using windows Ready Boost. Select this option and follow instruction on the screen to enable Ready Boost. Now tour computer will start using extra memory from your external drives to boost its speed and performance.


Whenever you start Windows, there are numerous applications that automatically get loaded into memory occupying valuable system resources. It is important to run MS CONFIG tool from time to time check which application is automatically starting with Windows. It is advisable to disable all non crucial application that you don’t actually require or use, in order to free up some memory on your computer. This will significantly improve not only the general speed of your computer but also the amount of time it takes for your computer to boot.

Disable Search Indexing

The latest versions of Windows use something as Search Indexing to index your entire hard drive and help you search better and faster.However Search indexing has an adverse effect on the performance of your computer and can slow down your computer. If you wish to disable Search Indexing on your Computer, Search Indexing on your computer, Simply go to My Computer > Right Click on C: and Select Properties > and under the General tab there will be an option to disable Search Indexing. 

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