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How to Increase Your Followers on Google +

After Facebook, Google + fastest growing Social Networks. It is also consider into Google search engine, and your search result could depend on it. It is best network for content marketers.

Google+ is just like any other social network. In order to be social, you need to have friends. You need other people on that social network to interact with, people who are active members of that social network. If they don’t log in on a regular basis and keep their profile active, they can’t interact with you. In order to build up your social media presence, you need to be active, as well. This gives you targeted followers.  All you have to do is just some 10-15 minutes research.

Let’s see how to Increase your followers on Google +:-
STEP 1:- Open you Google Plus Account.
STEP 2:- Go ahead and fill your profile picture and other field.
STEP 3:- Search for #SharedCircles. 

So many circle are open in your home page, now select any circle and click Add people.

STEP 4:- You can create a new circle or add them to any of your exisiting circles. I recommend making a new circle everytime. 

After you create the circle, you will start getting followers. Here's a snap showing my 1 day Google+ Notifications. 80% of the notifications I get are of followers